2 Şubat 2010 Salı

Electric President - Electric President

Grup Florida'dan, 2004 yılında toplaşılmış. Albüm ise her desteklediklerini beğendiğimiz Morr Music'ten. 2010 yılında çıkaracakları yeni bir albümleri de mevcut. Pek de eğlenceli insanlar sanıyorum ki, Last fm'e yazılmış biyografinin bi kısmını iletiyorum (Ben yazmış, nasıl da belli.):

Electric President is made up of Ben Cooper and Alex Kane, both natives of Jacksonville, Florida. Ben is pretty awesome, but Alex is a piece of shit. He’s good at bass, though, so Ben puts up with him for that and that alone. Both of them are very fond of pizza, but Ben’s stomach is easily twice the size of Alex’s and he can eat much more of it per sitting. Alex also drinks Diet Coke due to having diabetes since he was a little kid, which is embarrassing (the Diet Coke … not the having diabetes part). Ben must have the patience of a Saint to put up with that guy.

Grup hakkında inceleme için: http://www.myspace.com/electricpresident

1. Good Morning, Hypocrite
2. Insomnia
3. Ten Thousand Lines
4. Grand Machine No.12
5. Hum
6. Snow on Dead Neighbborhoods
7. Some Crap About The Future
8. Metal Fingers
9. We Were Never Build to Last
10. Farewell

Download Link: Rapidshare
Alternatif Download Link: Multiupload

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