16 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi

Patrick Wolf - Damaris

Patrick, The Bachelor'ın en destansı, en lirik melodisine sahip Damaris'i kliplendirdi sonunda.. Albüm çıktığından beri favorilerimin başında gelen ve çekilip çekilmeyeceğini çok merak ettiğim klibin yönetmenliğini kendisi yapan Patrick, 14 Aralık'ta biri dijital, biri de 7'' olmak üzere iki formatta Damaris single'ını piyasaya sürme hazırlıkları içerisinde.. Dijital versiyonda, Damaris'in orjinali ve (merakla beklediğim) St. George's Church Acoustic Mix'in yanısıra, Peacock Skies ve Queen Isabella (The She-Wolf of France) adlı iki şarkı daha bulunuyor..

"Gypsies, strays, bleak orphans,
We don't have a certain skin color or hair color

Lewis and damaris were two people that felt they were the same people.. beyond race or skin color or hair color.. I chose an actress that I saw was most like me... so it was a sense of love being beyond religion or creed or culture. Seeing yourself in someone else, no matter who they are or where they are from. Who is anyone to say that gypsies are all black haired and peasant like? It's patronizing and pandering to stereotypes...

I am sick of internet commentary where people speak before bothering to think, research or deeply get to grips with a video/song/lyric/picture might be.

Thanks. x pw"

- Patrick Wolf

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